Good Deeds
Good deeds – How to help others and add value to your own life
Helping others is in the end also a huge enhancement for yourself. These are the benefits of helping others.
Self image and Trust #humanity
People are good. What about the horror stories in the newspaper? Yes, unfair things happen in the world and it sells too. You think the world is egoistical when scrolling through Instagram? Everyone needs attention and recognition.
When looking at the statistics: Humanity is improving. Sometimes there are small steps backwards, sometimes we need a Trump or climate change to get the opposition sitting on the edge of their seats: Humanity. There are more people in the world working towards a better tomorrow. For him/herself, in the family, in the community and in politics… It is a pity that we forget this while paging through the newspapers. When you actively get involved in building a better community and it exists then you’ll easily see it in other comrades who are fighting for the same cause. This builds trust. In you and in your fellow people. And you will be proud of yourself. Man will you be proud of yourself!
Privileged Friends und Acquaintances
Mental game: What do you think? What sort of new friends could you meet by doing voluntary work?
Volunteers share much more than just big hearts. When looking at the statistics volunteers have an a higher than average education and a significantly higher income. Have you ever heard that you are the cross section of your five closest relationships? And you never quite knew where to find a good 5th person? Then your future volunteer buddy could be the perfect supplement. Big heart, well educated, successful and motivated! And as a side note, the founders and directors are amounts the richest percent of society.
You can become friends with the nicest and motivated person in this community. Tipp: Also for singles, this without a doubt the best alternative for an amazing partner.
How often do we feel sorry for ourselves? How often do you envy others? How often do you find yourself caught up in your daily problems?
Because you have found the time to read this article, you can be sure that you belong to the the 20% of the most privileged people.
Relations end, loved ones die, unpredictable fate and illness occur… We all manage to get through this! Everyone has their own problems and we are allowed to feel sorry for ourselves sometimes.
BUT: You have both parents, both hands, both eyes? Or at least one of them? You have a warm apartment and food in the refrigerator? (WOW, even a refrigerator)! Your apartment has not been bombed? You are on your own two feet? You have no psychological impairment?
When you help socially weak or physically impaired people you will certainly become aware of how good your life is! Gratitude is the basis for a happy life.
You will see how tiny your daily problems are when you are standing in the soup kitchen.
With a donation you can do a good deed – and that money will be put to good use. You can socially commit yourself as an expert in one of your subject fields – and your expertise can be put to good use.
Or you could use this opportunity to learn something completely new. Help is often needed in administration, construction, garden work, disaster relief, teaching and 1000 interesting activities. Try something that you always wanted to see / learn / do and learn new skills and topics from experts.
You have too little time and prefer to invest it in your goals? You’d actually like to do more sport? Cook more for yourself? More time for your dearest?
Then you absolutely have to try it. You don’t have to commit to 10 hours a week but rather just invest a couple of hours a month. Watch exactly what happens when you feel productive and useful. You’ll get a feeling of satisfaction and have a thankful smile on your face. Your motivation for everything, the things you wish you had more time for, will improve : Every aspect of your life will improve.
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